
The basics of acting

You cannot become a good theater, film and television artist without practice and education. Of course, there are examples like Arnold Schwarzenegger, whose incredible charisma allowed him to get his very first role in the movie “Hercules in New York”. But in the future, Arnie did not hesitate to learn this craft with teachers in order to achieve more.

In the theater studio, you will improve your theoretical knowledge and be able to demonstrate your talent in a circle of like-minded people. And regular practice will give you the necessary confidence to go to the first casting. Do not expect a loud sensation from your first performance, it is better not to expect anything at all from your performances. Give your best every time, no false emotions – death on the stage should be more real than the real thing, and love should make the blood boil in the veins. Then the stormy ovations of the enthusiastic public will not make themselves wait.

Use as many sources of knowledge as possible – the Internet, literature. Here is a list of recommended reading for improving acting skills:

Rehearsal of emotions

Nausea-rolled eyes, a slight break in intonation, bright laughter, tears in the eyes, etc. — all this is a practical reflection of the given role, which the actor must naturally and correctly play with body movements and facial expressions. This is the basis of successful improvisation. The most difficult thing is to reproduce admiration, joy and hatred. So these emotions should be given more attention.

How to practice the game of different emotions:

  • Anchoring Technique – Think of a time in the past when you felt the emotion you needed. Immerse yourself in the memory by closing your eyes and concentrate on this feeling. When the emotion becomes bright enough, you will enter the desired state.
  • Counterpoint technique – try to tell a funny story about a sad story or vice versa. That is, use opposite or distant emotions. This will allow your inner ear to more finely perceive the situation according to the drama classics: evil in good, good in evil.
  • Observe others – see how those around you reproduce certain feelings. Especially how they are played by actors of dramatic movies and TV series. Curl your mustache like the pros do.
  • The face of comedian Jim Carrey is recognized as the most plastic in Hollywood. And someone thinks that he is just grimacing 🙂

Memory training

It’s no secret that actors and actresses have to memorize a huge amount of dialogue. This is a kind of mandatory homework and a serious memory challenge! If you keep forgetting the text, no matter how talented you are, the director will simply have no choice but to find you a less forgetful replacement.

A different fate did not escape even Bruce Willis, who was fired by the famous film director Woody Allen right during the shooting of his next film due to constantly forgetting his lines. So take it seriously — develop your memory.